About Yoni Mack

Hi, my name is Mackleen, but you might know me as Yoni Mack. I’m a proud black woman who has faced and overcome numerous uterine health challenges. At one point, I endured three miscarriages and had a myomectomy to remove fibroids, only to have them return, bringing with them excruciatingly painful, heavy periods and a swollen uterus. I was told that carrying a baby would be nearly impossible due to my condition, which included PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).

But I didn’t give up. I healed myself. Through determination and self-care, I managed to rid my body of fibroids, stopped my uterus from swelling, and successfully carried a beautiful baby girl who is now almost two years old.

My journey to healing led me to discover Yoni Steaming. I initially sought help from a professional spa, paying $60 per session, and was advised to steam at least three times a month to alleviate my womb issues. However, as a teacher on a limited salary, this wasn’t sustainable for me. That’s when I learned that Yoni Steaming could be done at home.

I invested in an at-home Yoni steam seat and herbs, which cost about the same as a single spa session, and began steaming twice a month. The results were remarkable—I noticed significant improvements in my menstrual cycle after just two weeks of weekly steaming sessions.

During the pandemic, I deepened my knowledge and got certified in Yoni Steaming. This passion turned into my mission, and on September 24th, 2020, Yoni Mack was born. My goal is to empower other women, especially black women, to take control of their womb health through accessible and effective natural remedies.

And yes, if you're wondering if I’m the same Mackleen who’s also a filmmaker—Mackleen Desravines—I am! Between shooting films, commercials, and creating content, I’m dedicated to helping ladies heal themselves. #TeamGirl

Stay awesome,

-Yoni Mack