Which Yoni Steam to Buy?
Don't Know Which Steam to Choose? Here are some descriptions of each steam, then make your choice.
Queen’s Yoni Steam
This Yoni steam is for Queens looking to relax, are going through a breakup, dealing with grief, need to let something go, or need to release some energy. If you are experiencing tightness in your Yoni, vaginal dryness, going through menopause, or need a boost in your sex drive, this is the steam for you.
The Queen Steam is also for Queens who may have experienced trauma, such as rape, rough sex, or you scratched your Yoni, etc. This steam heals the wounds and offers relief.
The Queen Steam also offers your Yoni extra love and care. Sometimes, we need to steam after a long week or prepare for a romantic night. This steam helps raise our mood. The Queen’s Steam is here to relax you. If you are going through a breakup, what other way to move on than to steam your ex out of your Yoni!
This Yoni steam is for Queens looking to relax, are going through a breakup, dealing with grief, need to let something go, or need to release some energy. If you are experiencing tightness in your Yoni, vaginal dryness, going through menopause, or need a boost in your sex drive, this is the steam for you.
The Queen Steam is also for Queens who may have experienced trauma, such as rape, rough sex, or you scratched your Yoni, etc. This steam heals the wounds and offers relief.
The Queen Steam also offers your Yoni extra love and care. Sometimes, we need to steam after a long week or prepare for a romantic night. This steam helps raise our mood. The Queen’s Steam is here to relax you. If you are going through a breakup, what other way to move on than to steam your ex out of your Yoni!
Ingredients: Lavender, Rose Petals, and Calendula
Queens Re-balance Steam
For Queens who find themselves constantly or occasionally getting yeast infections, Bacterial vaginosis (BV) Vaginitis, urinary tract infections (UTI), odd discharge, pain during sex, swollen vulva, or vaginal odor- this is the steam for you.
Usually when you are getting these types of infections, sometimes it is because your pH is completely off-balance, other times it is diet, sometimes it is bacteria you have gotten through inserting something in your yoni, not wiping yourself properly, birth control, tight underwear. Things like this.
To help rebalance yourself, this steam addresses the issues going on. After steaming, you will find relief from this struggle. The result is your yoni steams out the problems you are having, and you regain a natural balance in your womb. You will find your yoni smells way better, you are wetter; the infections slow down or stop all together, inching relief, and sex is more pleasurable. Your Yoni will thank you.
Ingredients: White Peony, Holy Basil, Nettle, Dandelion, Burdock Root, Dong Quai, Chaste Berry, Sage
Womb Problems: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) | Fertility |Ovarian Cysts | Fibroid | Heavy Bleeding | Endometriosis | Fallopian Tubes Blockage
This powerful steam is focused on getting every queen who is suffering on track. Those who suffer from PCOS are encouraged to use this steam. Those who have fibroids and cysts are also highly encouraged to use this steam. This steam is also known to boost fertility.
Women with PCOS have a hormonal disorder that affects the reproductive system. This steam, along with a clean diet, is here to lessen the symptoms and help get pregnant. Because your hormones can be out of balance because of the PCOS, the steam balances them so you can get pregnant and stay pregnant.
The steam also aids in shrinking fibroids and cysts. Many women suffer from uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Cysts can cause pain in the pelvic area, paid during sex, pain during your period, etc. Sometimes the Cyst can rupture and cause sharp abdominal pain. Fibroids cause heavy periods, fatigue, pain during periods, bloated stomach, etc. Both are painful and not natural. Steaming regularly helps manage and eliminate fibroids and cysts.Heavy bleeding or having a long period is not natural for our bodies. There are multiple causes for heavy bleeding. It can be growth of non-cancerous tumors, problems in the cervix, hormone related problems or other disorders. The way you know your periods are heavy or too long is if your period last longer than 7 days. If your menstrual flow that soaks through one or more pads within hours in a row. You may also feel tired and exhausted.
Using this steam can help with re-balancing your hormones and getting your periods back to normal. Regulating your cycle leads to having a regular period that is way less painful.
Endometriosis when abnormal tissue grows outside the uterus. This affects your ovaries, Fallopian tubes and tissue lining your pelvis. This can lead to women having a lot of pain. It affects your fertility. Sometimes doctors even suggest surgery, which doesn’t always work. To help with this, my steam is to address the problems that come with endometriosis. By using the steam, women will see decreasing pain, balancing of hormones and restoring the natural function of the Uterus. It’s important to regain a natural balance in your womb.
This steam is also intended for blocked Fallopian tubes. Many women who have experienced tubal blockage have found steaming to unblock their tubes. Steaming helps remove old residue that causes the blockage.
Fertility. The best part about steaming for fertility is the positive pregnancy test. This steam prepares the uterus for pregnancy. It strengthens the womb to prepare to carry your baby full term. The steaming will help cleanse the womb by loosening old matter and making space for a fertilized egg to implant and grow.
Ingredients: Herbs: Lady’s Mantle, Burdock Root, Calendula, Red Raspberry Leaf, Dandelion, Shepherd’s Purse, Ashwagandha, Yarrow
Oh Baby! Pregnancy Prep!
This particular yoni steam has been carefully crafted to optimize the womb's conception ability. The herbal ingredients have been chosen with great care to strengthen the uterus, improve the quality of eggs, and prepare the body for ovulation. Through this process, the body is primed to achieve pregnancy and increase the chances of a successful conception.
For women who have had miscarriages, preparing their bodies for pregnancy is essential. While there can be many reasons for miscarriages, it is crucial to focus on recovering. This yoni steam focuses on pregnancy after a miscarriage, multiple miscarriages, and detoxing after a miscarriage.
Ingredients: Motherwort, Red Raspberry, Nettle, Red Maca, Chasteberry
Ingredients: Motherwort, Red Raspberry, Nettle, Red Maca, Chasteberry
Fawk Me Now!
This yoni steam has herbs that help with libido help. For those ladies who have trouble getting wet or staying wet, this is the Yoni steam for you. This Yoni steam helps your hormones get together and help you get and stay horny.
Ingredients: Ashwagandha, Fenugreek, Red Maca, Damiana